Learn all about the Saguenay Fjord's natural and multi-faceted beauty.
Musée du Fjord is an entertaining and dynamic site, which immerses you into the fascinating universe that is the Saguenay Fjord and Baie des Ha! Ha!. The Museum makes sciences accessible to you in a fun and interactive way, while allowing you to touch and experiment with some of the Fjord’s living organisms. Musée du Fjord is a scientific museum institution. It raises awareness about the Saguenay Fjord’s natural and historical heritage, through its home exhibitions, touring exhibitions, and educative and public programs.
Since 2004, Musée du Fjord has created or co-produced 7 bilingual touring exhibitions, which travel throughout the Quebec and Canadian museum network. The Museu’s many activities reach more than 550,000 people every year.
The Museum is co-sponsored by the Quebec Ministry of Culture and Communications, and the City of Saguenay.

The Museum's Mission
The Museum aims at highlighting the rapport that has been established between the natural environment and human occupation. It wants to depict the many ties that unite the general population to the Saguenay Fjord region, in particular the La Baie and Bas-Saguenay districts.
Musée du Fjord’s mission is to preserve and celebrate the historical, natural, and artistic heritage of the Saguenay Fjord and Baie des Ha! Ha! territory. It also aims at promoting this heritage and raising public awareness about its importance.
Musée du Fjord pursues this mission through its permanent exhibitions, multimedia presentations, scientific space, temporary thematic exhibitions, touring exhibitions created by other institutions, and public programs.