NAVIS Multimedia Presentation

NAVIS Multimedia Presentation

Permanent exhibition

Experience a fantastic adventure and discover the Fjord’s supreme beauty! With unique technology, our 20 minutes long multimedia show presents breathtaking aerial, land, and underwater images of the Saguenay Fjord. This sensational journey propels spectators into the heart of the Fjord’s formation and evolution. Experience this breathtaking immersive show!

Our multilingual show, Journey into the Heart of the Saguenay Fjord, was specially created for the Musée du Fjord. This immersive experience into the majestic Saguenay Fjord allows each participant to choose between 5 languages, to better comprehend the scientific information discussed during the projection. The languages offered are GermanEnglishSpanishFrench, and Italian.

This multimedia presentation has been made possible thanks to the financial support of le ministère du Tourisme du QuébecCanada Economic Development for Quebec Regions Promotion Saguenay, Hatem + D, Rio Tinto Alcan, Caisses Desjardins de La Baie, Bell Alliant, and many other partners.

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