How can I support the Museum?
By supporting the Museum, you contribute to the development and achievement of awareness-raising projects and activities about the Saguenay Fjord. Subscribe, make a donation, or adopt a parcel of the Fjord; you will become a partner of the Museum’s mission.
Why support the Museum?
Preserve and promote the historical, natural, and artistic heritage of the Saguenay Fjord and Baie des Ha! Ha! territory, enhance its understanding and dissemination, and raise public awareness as to its importance.
This is our Fjord!
By donating to the Musée du Fjord, you contribute to its continued development; you participate in the achievement of its projects and mission.
Musée du Fjord is a living scientific establishment through its history and activities, and its passionate, competent team and collaborators. The Museum stands apart with modern, entertaining and thought-provoking exhibitions dealing with topics of current interest. It also features dynamic activities that are closely linked to the exhibitions: educational programs, conferences, projections, excursions, astonishing reading-week workshops, and a science festival entitled “Mad about science”.
With its numeric projects and associations, the Fjord Museum enables to be a delivering institution that is fully in touch with the issues of the environment where it operates, and why proficiency is recognized by prestigious foundations, as well as its community.
Thank you for your support!
A museum can only excel if it has the means to do so. Thanks to its partners and sponsors, Musée du Fjord continually innovates, creates and renews; to the benefit of its visitors!
But to be a museology leader requires substantial funds. While it is sponsored by the Quebec Ministry of Culture and Communications, the Museum needs the support of the community it serves. And that is the reason behind the creation of the Fondation du Musée du Fjord.
How are the donations utilised?
The donations we receive are used to drive the growth of the Museum, and especially the educational actions aiming to raise awareness as to the uniqueness of the Saguenay Fjord environment.
To achieve its mission, Musée du Fjord can rely on the support of major partners, such as the Economic Development Agency of Canada, Quebec Ministry of Tourism, Quebec Ministry of Culture and Communication, City of Saguenay, Promotion Saguenay, Rio Tinto Alcan, Hydro-Quebec, and Caisses Desjardins de La Baie. Contact us to learn more about our ongoing and upcoming projects, we will keep you informed on how your donations are used.