Amazing! All Intelligent!
Temporary exhibit presented from June 7th 2022 to January 15th 2023
From animal cognition to artificial intelligence, passing by human and plant intelligence, we now know, thanks to scientific research that there exists not only ONE but MANY intelligences. And that they are not only reserved to humans. In between interactive games, experiences, pictures, 3D impressions, interviews and films, this entertaining exhibit, presented with numerous surprises and discoveries on species, shows us that we still have a lot to learn.
This exhibit is a creation of the Musée du Fjord, the Muséum d’histoire naturelle de Nantes, of the Espace des sciences de Rennes and of Science by Art. Sponsored by Étienne Klein, physicist and science philosopher at the Commissariat à l’énergie atomique et aux énergies alternatives (France), and by Laurie Rousseau-Nepton, astrophysicist at the Observatoire Canada-France-Hawaï, she is nationally known by the Ministère de la Culture (France).